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Better Building Blog
Healthy Buildings
10 Innovative Ways to Use IAQ Data for Healthy Buildings
For forward-thinking organizations, improving indoor air quality is a matter of strategic importance. Air quality impacts health, ...
Air Quality 101
Thermal Comfort Monitoring: Basics and Best Practices
Healthy Buildings
Fitwel Certification: How it Works and How it’s Different
How The UL Healthy Buildings Program Works (And How To Make It Work For You)
Building Automation
How To Effectively Leverage Your IAQ Data Through Building Automation
One of the biggest mistakes you can make after implementing an air quality monitoring system is underutilizing your data.
Workplace Wellbeing
How Poor IAQ Can Contribute to Sick Building Syndrome in the Workplace
As we continue living the new normal of the COVID-19 pandemic, workplace health and safety are top priorities for employers and employees worldwide.
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Ozone in the Workplace: What Levels of Indoor Ozone Are Safe?
Improving indoor air quality is becoming an essential goal for many employers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Indoor Ozone: 3 Common Sources Explained
While usually thought of as an outdoor air pollutant, ozone is becoming an increasing concern indoors as well.
Workplace Wellbeing
Why Air Quality Monitoring Is a Crucial Component of Any Workplace Wellness Project
Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, workplace wellness and safety rapidly jumped to the top of everyone’s priority list.
Bipolar Ionization vs UV Light: Which Is Better for Controlling COVID-19?
The rise of COVID-19 in 2020 raised a lot of new questions about how we live and work.
The Sick Building Syndrome Conundrum: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Both Improved and Harmed Indoor Air Quality
More than a year has passed since the COVID-19 pandemic began, and in this time we have adapted our buildings and lifestyles to minimize risks.
How Continuous IAQ Monitoring Can Help Reduce COVID-19 Risk
The year of 2020 brought forward a global pandemic that changed the way we live, work, and interact.
How Using Disinfectants During the COVID-19 Pandemic Creates Indoor Air Pollution
COVID-19 and indoor air quality are fundamentally linked.